Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What now?

What do you do when the first person you dated so happens to be the only person you ever want to spend the rest of your life with?

If it's meant to be, It'll happen. That's what everyone says. But how much trust can you hold to this saying without really knowing? Is it worth the gamble?

It has been admitted to me, that this was the position of another at one point in time. Now, how would you react to such a confession?

Was it even appropriate?

With no promise for future. No action for change. Is he really a different person from a year ago? How different can people become in such a short period of time?

I sort of like the drama of current situations. Can't lie. Im in a relationship and here I am talking to my Ex. I know karma is gonna kick me in the face sooner or later but as I hear the steps draw nearer I do nothing but smile because i'm slightly crazy.

haha What time is it? Oh right, 2:21AM.

What is it like to be Amanda Soriano?

It's like reading a book over and over again. This story is about young love. Two people finding their theoretical soul mates years too early. It takes place a year ago, a couple months ago, weeks, days and even hours ago. So repetitious yet no drop of fascination is lost in it's pages. Every time I read this story I always find myself falling and falling until I reach and hit the ground that is reality.

I have dated enough people after him and cannot seem to start a new tale.

Is it unfair to bring in new characters and stir them right into my messy plot? Whatever, like i really care. Haha.

What the hell is love but a game.


  1. you have a wikked writing style girl.
    the thing about life and love is: usually they have a way of working themselves out the way they are supposed to, so..if its meant to be, it will. sounds cheesy, but its true.
    sometimes the things you think were meant to be arent. sometimes the things you least suspect to work do. life is complicated.

  2. as for change, i think people can change somewhat in minor ways, but they never change completely.they might want to believe they are capable of it, but rarely is it true.
